American Roots Outdoors w/ Alex Rutledge
Join Alex Rutledge along with Co-Host Wayne Lach & Mike "Redbone" Crase as we cover a variety of topics from Deer Hunting, Turkey Hunting, Fishing and today's top headlines...... all while Sharing our Faith! We will also have Special Guest appearances from some of the Hunting Industry's biggest names and Country Music Stars you all love!
285 episodes
"The Turkey Man" Eddie Salter talks Turkey in pt 3 of this 3 part series!
In this episode we talk turkey care.... from the shot to the table! Eddie shares what he does to keep his turkey fresh tasting for the dinner table and techniques for preserving the bird for the taxidermist. Whether your a beginner ...
Season 7
Episode 10

"The Turkey Man" Eddie Salter talks Turkey in pt 2 of this 3 part series!
In this episode we talk turkey.... Literally! Eddie breaks out his mouth call and not only teaches us the "How" but also the "Why" he calls the way he does. Whether your a beginner or a veteran Turkey Hunter your gonna learn somethi...
Season 7
Episode 9

"The Turkey Man" Eddie Salter talks Turkey in pt 1 of this 3 part series!
In this episode we go back in time to Eddie’s childhood to learn who helped mold Eddie into one of the greatest and well known Turkey Hunters of our Lifetime!And before this episode ends, we will start To dive into his tricks and trades ...
Season 7
Episode 8

Paul Campbell - It's all about Turkeys w/ Paul Campbell of the NWTF
It's all about Turkey Hunting for the next few weeks and we are excited to start it off with Paul Campbell from the NWTF! We discuss the the future of the NWTF and what to expect on their mission to help to continue the growth of the wild...
Season 7
Episode 7

Corey Goff - Predator Hunting pt 3 of 3
This week we welcome Corey Groff from Fox Pro to discuss what it takes to become a successful Predator Hunter.... From calls to Ammo to sit placement we will touch on it so sit back and enjoy the final part of our series...... pt 3 of our 3 on ...
Season 7
Episode 6

Corey Groff - Predator Hunting pt 2 of 3
This week we welcome Corey Groff from Fox Pro to discuss what it takes to become a successful Predator Hunter.... From calls to Ammo to sit placement we will touch on it all over the next 4 weeks. So sit back and enjoy pt 2 of our 3 part ...
Season 7
Episode 5

Corey Groff - Predator Hunting Pt 1 of 3
This week we welcome Corey Groff from Fox Pro to discuss what it takes to become a successful Predator Hunter.... From calls to Ammo to sit placement we will touch on it all over the next 4 weeks. So sit back and enjoy pt 1 of our 3 part ...
Season 7
Episode 4

2024 Recap _ Our Favs to Fan Favs....Did your Favorite make our list?
Missouri Hunting Heritage Federation:https://www.mhhf.us/To follow American Roots Outdoors Podcast:https://www.facebook.com/gro...
Season 7
Episode 3

Brian Dennis - Buck Grits changing the way we look at Deer Feed
Brian Dennis joins us to discuss the benefits that Buck Grits can play to enhance your deer herd with its state of the art technique in extracting the germ from the kernel. a healthy deer can produce more milk, bare Twins and grow bigger ...
Season 7
Episode 2

CWD in the Ozarks w/ MDC Biologist Jason Isabella
Just how bad is CWD in the Ozarks, where did it come from and what is the plan to eradicate it if possible? These along with many other questions will be addressed and answered by Missouri Biologist Jason Isabella
Season 7
Episode 1

So you want to become a Muzzleloader Hunter w/ Tony Smotherman from CVA....pt 3 of 3
This week we are again joined by Tony Smotherman for his pt3 of 3 on "So you want to become a Muzzleloader Hunter" ..... now we turn to "Tuning in that Muzzleloader" ...... it's all about understanding Kinetic En...
Season 6
Episode 50

So you want to become a Muzzleloader Hunter w/ Tony Smotherman from CVA....pt 2 of 3
We welcome back Tony Smotherman of CVA in this pt 2 of3 series. We take a deep dive into the role that Blackpowder plays in not only the accuracy but the cleanliness and corrosion it can cause...... but does it still?Missouri Huntin...
Season 6
Episode 49

So you want to become a Muzzleloader Hunter w/ Tony Smotherman from CVA....pt 1 of 3
Are your looking for a way to expand your hunting season and looking to learn something new? Then becoming a Muzzleloader Hunter may be exactly what you need! Tony Smotherman from CVA joins us to talk about ...
Season 6
Episode 48

Where did the Deer go?
The title says it all..... Where did the Deer go?Deer harvest in Missouri this year is significantly less than last year and everyone is asking WHY?.....We look at some of the possibilities that have caused many hunters here in the Ozar...
Season 6
Episode 46

The Paw Paw Buck
Enjoy this heartfelt episode as we share the hunt of 86 year old "Paw Paw" Monk, father of Darryl and Harold Monk of WiseEye Cameras, as he harvest the biggest buck of his lifetime with Alex Rutledge guiding him here in the Ozarks!Misso...
Season 6
Episode 45

Planning your Rifle Hunt
In this episode Alex and Mike discuss Rifle Hunting Techniques and the importance how knowing your rifle inside and out will give you the knowledge of its limitation! From calibers to ammunition to care of your firearm and shot placement ...
Season 6
Episode 44

Clint Galloway - The story of the 215" Buck!
We are joined by Clint Galloway from Louisiana who just shot a 215" Buck out of Kansas. Clint shares the story of this hunt along with some of his other tremendous bucks like his 164" from Ohio and 165" out of Kentucky.Misso...
Season 6
Episode 43

Missouri's Hunting Heritage Federation - Introducing youth to Hunting
John Sickmeier joins us to talk about a great program for youth who have not been introduced to our great hunting heritage! they offer classes on hunting, shooting and most things related. Now on the edge of expanding the pr...
Season 6
Episode 42

Stand Placement - Finding the perfect location and techniques
This week we will help you pick the right location to hang your stand or place your blind by sharing some helpful tips and our past experience. From ways to raise your ladder stand or getting your hang on up that tree we cover many option...
Season 6
Episode 41

Pre-Rut Whitetail Tactics
With the Pre-Rut kicking in throughout most of the country we take a look at exactly what that means to a hunter and how he can use the knowledge to his advantage. From learning about rub lines, scrapes and fighting, we can then put toget...
Season 6
Episode 40

Archery Talk pt 5 - You've Recovered your Deer..... Now What?
Now that you have recovered your deer, what's next? We will look into the skinning and care of your meat along with taking those memorable Photo's that capture the hunt!To follow American Roots Outdoors Podcast:
Season 6
Episode 39

Helping Land Owners, Hunters and Farmers w/ Haley Schwantz & Abby Ward
To follow American Roots Outdoors Podcast:https://www.facebook.com/groups/448812356525413To learn more about American Roots Outdoors:
Season 6
Episode 38

Archery Talk pt 4- Tracking and recovering your Deer
You made what you think was the perfect shot.....now what? We take you through the do's and the don'ts to track and recover your deer!To follow American Roots Outdoors Podcast:
Season 6
Episode 37

Bo Burtrum pt 3 - Putting it all together for that shot!
Bo Bertrum, owner of Broken Bow Archery, joins us for Pt3 as we put it all together for that shot on that big Buck! We cover building that confidence, angle changes from ground to treestand, shot placement and finally..... Recovery! <...
Season 6
Episode 36