American Roots Outdoors w/ Alex Rutledge
Join Alex Rutledge along with Co-Host Wayne Lach & Mike "Redbone" Crase as we cover a variety of topics from Deer Hunting, Turkey Hunting, Fishing and today's top headlines...... all while Sharing our Faith! We will also have Special Guest appearances from some of the Hunting Industry's biggest names and Country Music Stars you all love!
American Roots Outdoors w/ Alex Rutledge
WiseEye Technologies introduces the NEW DC-2 Trail Cam!
Harold Monk, Daryl Monk
Season 6
Episode 25
We are joined this week by the Founders of WiseEye Technologies maker of the WiseEye Data Cam which has revolutionized the Trail Cam industry. They will be discussing their newest cam to just hit the market....the DC-2! Wait till you hear what this camera can do!
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