American Roots Outdoors w/ Alex Rutledge
Join Alex Rutledge along with Co-Host Wayne Lach & Mike "Redbone" Crase as we cover a variety of topics from Deer Hunting, Turkey Hunting, Fishing and today's top headlines...... all while Sharing our Faith! We will also have Special Guest appearances from some of the Hunting Industry's biggest names and Country Music Stars you all love!
Podcasting since 2019 • 279 episodes
American Roots Outdoors w/ Alex Rutledge
Latest Episodes
Corey Groff - Predator Hunting Pt 1 of 3
This week we welcome Corey Groff from Fox Pro to discuss what it takes to become a successful Predator Hunter.... From calls to Ammo to sit placement we will touch on it all over the next 4 weeks. So sit back and enjoy pt 1 of our 3 part ...
Season 7
Episode 4

2024 Recap _ Our Favs to Fan Favs....Did your Favorite make our list?
Missouri Hunting Heritage Federation:https://www.mhhf.us/To follow American Roots Outdoors Podcast:https://www.facebook.com/gro...
Season 7
Episode 3

Brian Dennis - Buck Grits changing the way we look at Deer Feed
Brian Dennis joins us to discuss the benefits that Buck Grits can play to enhance your deer herd with its state of the art technique in extracting the germ from the kernel. a healthy deer can produce more milk, bare Twins and grow bigger ...
Season 7
Episode 2

CWD in the Ozarks w/ MDC Biologist Jason Isabella
Just how bad is CWD in the Ozarks, where did it come from and what is the plan to eradicate it if possible? These along with many other questions will be addressed and answered by Missouri Biologist Jason Isabella
Season 7
Episode 1

So you want to become a Muzzleloader Hunter w/ Tony Smotherman from CVA....pt 3 of 3
This week we are again joined by Tony Smotherman for his pt3 of 3 on "So you want to become a Muzzleloader Hunter" ..... now we turn to "Tuning in that Muzzleloader" ...... it's all about understanding Kinetic En...
Season 6
Episode 50